The Parade College Music Department has a longstanding history of providing students with a large variety of musical experiences, and our music programme is renowned for the wide range of opportunities it offers students, both in private tuition and in various ensembles.
We openly encourage all students to achieve excellence through their participation in the Instrumental Music Program and in a wide range of musical activities. It is a delight to have our campus filled with the sounds of students learning, practising and mastering their instruments of choice, strongly supported by our experienced educators and musician classroom and instrumental music staff. Our students develop self-confidence, responsibility, teamwork, self- esteem, and above all, an enjoyment of lifelong musical appreciation.
Beyond the pride students feel from learning an instrument, the Parade Music Programme fosters engagement, creativity, artistry, perseverance and the joyful experience of playing alongside fellow students in an out of the school setting, and promotes the College within the wider community through its involvement in local and wider community events throughout the year.
For information regarding the Music Programme and Instrumental Music Band Classes at Parade, including; lessons and ensemble rehearsals, exam preparation, instrumental lesson structure, fees, instrument hire and locker hire, please click on the links below.
All applications will be considered equally and must be submitted by 11:59pm on Friday 16th February, 2024.
Open Application FormTo apply for Instrumental Music Lessons please fill out the 'Instrumental Lesson Booking Form'