Leave your Mark on Parade

A number of families have taken up the offer to purchase a paver to commemorate their son’s time here at Parade. Once we have a few more orders, we will submit them to the paving company. We need to get a decent number before we can put our order in. So, for those of you who have put in an order, don’t be concerned if your payment hasn’t gone through yet.

Please see the order form included in this Newsletter and return it to our email if you would like to purchase a paver.

Events Dates on Your Calendar:

Unfortunately, again due to COVID-19 lockdowns, we had to cancel our Father and Son Winter Games Night, that was set for last Monday 9 August.

At the time of writing this article, the Working Bee planned for this Sunday 15 August (at both Campuses) is looking extremely doubtful and is all dependant on the lockdown being extended. If it goes ahead, you will need to book via TryBooking, and a link will be sent to all families if this event can proceed.

POP Principles

Let’s hope that we can enjoy our Father’s Day Breakfast – Wednesday 1 September (TBC)

A new date for the Year 7 and 8 Cocktail Evening is still to be confirmed.

POP Meeting

Our next meeting will be held Wednesday  25 August at 7.30pm

Due to the recent COVID lockdown, it will be on Zoom. If you would like to attend, please email me.

Your name will go down in history

Article by Flavio Cosmelli

President - Parents of Parade