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Year 8 Man Cave Workshops

This year our Year 8 students will begin their workshops with The Man Cave. Throughout the next year and a half they will participate in three day-long workshops.

Restrictions permitting, the first day will be on either Monday 23 August or Tuesday 24 August. The days will be organised by RE classes and details communicated to students and families closer to the time.

“The Man Cave” is a preventative mental health and emotional intelligence organisation for boys and young men.

Through one of the full day workshops, which Year 8s will attend at their home campus on either Monday 23 August or Tuesday 24 August, four research-based challenges for young men today – mental health, hyper-masculine identity, gender inequality and inter-generational connection – will be addressed through activities, videos, discussions and input from presenters from The Man Cave.

Workshop 1 – Realising my Potential

Boys create their own unique version of healthy masculinity by understanding how gender norms have shaped their perspectives to this point, before being given the choice to grow beyond that.

Exploration of personal identity, their unique strengths, how to care for themselves and what their values are, all add up to them understanding how they can reach their full potential. In the first full-day workshop, boys will:

  • Learn how gender stereotypes impact their attitudes
    and behaviour
  • Meet our diverse male and non-binary facilitators
  • Learn to constructively express their thoughts and
  • Connect to their values and strengths
  • Leave with tools and resources to support their
    personal wellbeing
  • Define values-based vision for the man they want to

These are all values and aspirations that we, as Parade College, hold for your son.

We know it is becoming increasingly difficult for young men to work out their place in the world and how to create positive support structures round them, and we are delighted to be able to offer this opportunity to our Year 8s.

They can explore the above ideas in a different way from their normal classes, but one which we believe complements the work we do in the classroom and in Tutor Group.

Students will only participate in one day on either Monday 23 August or Tuesday 24 August. This will be done by RE class. All details will be communicated to parents next week.

150 years