Everyone wants a break from screens at times, and after we've exercised, baked, cooked and eaten, contacted family and friends, cleaned up, played and relaxed - what else can we do? Reading hard copy books for a period of time each day (20+ minutes) can be a great way to unplug and de-stress.

If your home library collection is wearing a little thin, consider this on our welcome return:

  • Swap books with family/friends to refresh your own library collection
  • Students should have some of our library books ready for reading at home - we have 3 weeks' borrowing for books; all we ask is that they are returned or renewed punctually
  • In Parade Book Week (23-27 August), we will have $20 QBD vouchers for our competition winners (see SIMON in Book Week).

Our Parade Reading Challenge and Word Millionaires run until the first week of November - this Challenge is for everyone, and can really help re-energize and incentivize reading. Our next batch of sweet treats and Word Millionaire badges will be awarded in Book Week.

Our Learning Centre eResources are available 24/7 in SIMON > School links > Learning Centres – LearnPath, eAudioBooks, eBooks. Log in to these platforms with normal laptop login/password, except for Clickview – school email address is the login.

Reading Matters At Parade

Article by Mr Dante Gabriele

Learning Centre Leader