Solidarity Week

As you may have read in the previous newsletter, Solidarity Week is coming up, with a particular focus being the Solidarity Walk. This will take place on Friday 20 August.

As this will be one of the last whole school fundraising efforts for Mackillop Family Services, I ask that students begin to seek support from sponsors.

Once students are back on campus, sponsorship forms will be distributed, with the option for payment being cash brought in by the students, or by depositing the sponsorship sum in a direct deposit through a link of the Mackillop site. The link for the online deposits will be on the sponsorship form.

We hope to have a range of other activities available to students. Any events will be subject to restrictions that may be in place once the lockdown concludes, and this may necessitate some adjustments to the program. However, we hope the fundamental aim of fundraising for Mackillop can be achieved.

Article by Ms Anne McLachlan

Director of Ministry