Commencement 2025

On behalf of the Parade College Leadership Team, I would like to welcome back all members of the Parade College community for the upcoming 2025 academic year. I hope all of our Parade families have enjoyed a lovely and safe summer holiday period with family, friends and loved ones. Hopefully this time of the year has been a time to rest and create some long-lasting memories. I am sure that many of our students are eager to return to catch up with their friends and teachers, and possibly families are also looking forward to the students returning to school on a daily basis.

A sincere welcome to all of our new students in 2025 and their families. We have our new Year 7 students commencing, along with a number of new students in Years 8 to 12. There will be lots of emotions that come with commencing at a new school, and those emotions will range from being totally excited, to a little nervous and apprehensive. Please be assured that all of our staff are looking forward to supporting our new students so that they can have a rewarding and memorable journey at Parade. There are so many opportunities for students to get involved in various activities, clubs and events and I encourage our students to seize the moment and give new things a go. This will ensure our students are participating in activities with students that have similar interests and will provide opportunities to further develop friendships and of course make new ones.

This year we welcome full-time female enrolments to our Preston Campus. Our new students at Year 11 are part of our VCE Vocational Major programs and will be able to combine their career interests in sport and trade, as part of their VCE studies. We welcome these students and their families to the Parade College family and trust they will be welcomed with open arms into our community.

College Theme for 2025

In 2025, our College Theme will again be: Walking Together – Relationships, Respect, Resilience.

We will continue to emphasise the importance of RESPECT in all that we do.

We were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, to stay together, both outwardly and inwardly.

Ephesians 4:1:6

4 … to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 ….making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

This prayer of unity calls us to live as one in a world where all people are woven together. As a Parade College community, we celebrate the individual spirit of each of us, and strive to always work and walk together in partnership, with respect, resilience, and valuing relationships.

The College theme highlights the importance of working together in a shared partnership – students, their families and our staff. Our common goal at Parade is to ensure that all of our students and staff can thrive in a caring and loving community, so that they can be the very best versions of themselves, driving themselves and each other to become better human beings, to achieve their goals and dreams, and to make the lives of those around them much richer. It is through respect for ourselves and others, that we can truly create a culture where everyone is appreciated and valued. When respect becomes the major focus in our interactions with others, everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed and achieve to their full potential. We look forward to our students driving this culture of respect.

College Theme 2025
2025 College Theme

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 – VCE Academic Achievements 2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 and their dedicated teachers for achieving excellent VCE and VCE Vocational Major results. Whether the next step on their journey be to university, TAFE, apprenticeships or to work, they will be better for facing the challenges of the year and overcoming them successfully. Our 2024 VCE results reflect the hard work of the students in collaboration with their teachers and support from their families.

We thank and commend the Class of 2024 on the contribution they have made to Parade College over the past six years in all endeavours that they have pursued. Their leadership, service to others and their contribution to the co-curricular life of the College have added to the richness of our community.

Congratulations to our College Dux, Julian Borg, and to Lucas Ackar, our Outstanding Senior VCE Vocational Major Student for 2024.

College Dux and VCE VM High Archiver
L-R: College Dux Julian Borg and Outstanding Senior VCE Vocational Major Student Lucas Ackar

We are honoured to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of our students in the VCE and VCE Vocational Major. Their dedication and hard work was rewarded, and we couldn't be more proud of each and every one of our students. As they embark on their chosen pathways, we wish them all the best for a bright and successful future.

For the class of 2024, we are delighted to announce and publish the VCE students that achieved an ATAR score above 90, a testament to their exceptional academic performances. Congratulations to the following students:

Julian Borg

Steven Donato

Julian Raic

Mathew Kochuthara

Max McArdle

Anthony Bovalino

Charlie Mercuri

David Donato

Kevin Abraham

Alex Nguyen

Rohan Ramjutton

Vasilios Kardamitsis

Andrew Katsaros

Ethan Missio

Dean Ciccarone

Oscar Gentilin

Jack Capuana

Calan Dang

Luis Galgano

Diwin Sabu

Damien Bui

Benjamin Saccone

Moksh Shah

Armando Mansour

Kieran Bhan

Year 12 Results on TV - Sunrise on Channel 7

On Thursday 12 December, the Year 12 results were released to all students. Very early that morning a few of our high achieving students were greeted on site at our Bundoora campus by Channel 7 reporter, Andrew McCormack, from Channel 7’s morning show, Sunrise. The students were brave enough to open their emails containing their VCE results, live on television, where their initial reactions were captured. It was lovely to chat to the students, after the cameras switched off, and they were all so happy with the results they achieved. Some of their parents were there to capture their reactions firsthand.

Channel 7
Some of our High Achieving students on Sunrise on VCE Results Day

Key commencement dates for students in 2025

Year 12 Day at La Trobe University

Thursday 30 January 2025

First Day for Years 7, 11 and 12 Bundoora students and all Years 10 to 12 Preston students

Friday 31 January 2025

All other students return

Monday 3 February 2025

Parade Calendar – Key dates for 2025

Key dates noted throughout the year can be found on the College website and also through the Parent Access Module (PAM). We ask that you take note of important key dates, such as parent-teacher interview sessions, etc, and the official term breaks. Students are expected to be present on all designated teaching days to ensure they maximize their learning potential.

Open Day Sunday- 23 February 2025

All existing and new families are invited to explore our facilities at our Bundoora Campus on Open Day.

College Photos

Photographs of all students will be taken on the following dates at both campuses:

Thursday 6 February - Preston Campus

Friday 7 February - Bundoora Campus


Anthony Glatzel, Logistics Coordinator, has allocated students to the various College bus services. All students using services to or from the College direct must have a current College bus pass and/or MYKI card.

Traffic and Parking

Traffic will be very heavy on the College property on the first few days of school, both in the mornings and afternoons. If you wish to drop off your child, please come early.

Parents/carers who wish to park should do so only in designated car parks, well off the roadways, and cooperate with instructions from College parking officials. Please take note of all of the parking/drop off signs along the driveway at the Bundoora Campus. The majority of car park spaces are allocated to our staff and parking bays for staff are numbered. Visitor car parking is denoted by the relevant signs to the left of the main driveway to our Bundoora Campus.

Students cannot be dropped off within the main College bus circuit near College Admin Reception. This area is reserved for College buses and designated staff parking bays.

We kindly ask that all drivers be attentive to students crossing the roadway and to give way at designated crossings.

College Newsletter

This Newsletter is our major means of communication with parents and families, so please ensure that you take the time to read it. In 2025, we will be producing the Newsletter once a month and it will be sent out electronically.

Parents/cares/families are urged to ensure that we have their current preferred email address to receive the Newsletter. Please advise Reception immediately of any change of residential or email addresses and phone numbers.

The Newsletter is always available on the College website. Hard copies are available for collection at Reception at both campuses for anyone unable to access the Newsletter electronically.

We wish you all the very best for the year ahead and look forward to meeting you throughout the year.

Mark Aiello
