Academy Uniforms

All students are expected to commence the 2025 school year in the correct College summer uniform which can be purchased online from Academy Uniforms via or in person at their store at 238 Wolseley Place, Thomastown.

College Photographs

All students are required to have their photograph taken as it is used for school identification, applied to school ID cards, transport concession cards, and published in the 2025 College Yearbook. It is also your important keepsake. As such, each student must participate, regardless of whether you wish to purchase photos.

To avoid image mishaps, we request that attention be placed on students’ appearance and presentation for their Photo Day please.

Our annual school photos will be taken by Arthur Reed Photos on the following dates:

Preston Campus: Thursday 6 February

Bundoora Campus: Friday 7 February

Arthur Reed Photos uses an electronic system where all ordering is done online after the photo days and features a preview your child’s images.

There will be no need to order or return any forms to the College prior to photography.

To view/purchase your images online, you will need to register your details using a unique ordering code which will be distributed via email before each photo day. Please note, that if you have multiple children at the College, each one will have their unique code.

Sibling Photos

Sibling photos will be taken on the following date:

Friday 21 February from 8:00am to 8:45am

All sibling photos will be taken at the Bundoora Campus. Bookings are required for a sibling photo and can be made via the below link.


*Please note that bookings for sibling photos will close at 9:00am on Wednesday 19 February.

When all images/photography are complete and in the Arthur Reed 'Webshop', those parents who have registered online will be notified via SMS and email that their images are ready to view and order.

All orders through Arthur Reed Photos are mailed home directly to families.

Arthur Reed Photos has a Customer Service Team in place who will be able to assist you with any queries. Customer Service can be contacted via email or phone. / 5243 4390 (option 1)

Future Students

Year 7 applications for 2027 and beyond are now being accepted.

If you have a younger son in Grade 5 and wish to enrol for Year 7 2027, please note that applications close on Friday 15 August 2025.

Applications for other year levels are also welcome.

To submit an enrolment application please visit

Open Day 2025

All existing and new families are invited to meet our staff, explore our state-of-the-art facilities, and hear about our extensive programs at our annual Open Day at the Bundoora Campus on Sunday 23 February from 9:30am to 1:30pm.

Register here:

Students Not Returning in 2025

If your child is not returning in 2025, please contact the Enrolment Office directly via email to ensure the relevant documents are completed.

Jemma Horan

Development Manager