2024 Final Awards

In late November, our Year 7 to 10 High Performance and ACC Awards Evening was held. Congratulations to all award winners on the evening.

Our Major Award winners for the night were four students awarded as the Sportsman of the Year for 2024:

Year 10 Sportsman of the Year: Jai Fa’ale N01

Year 9 Sportsman of the Year: Darcy Parker H18

Year 8 Sportsman of the Year: Reuben Alonso B16

Year 7 Sportsman of the Year: Oliver Trimbos T13

At the ACC End of Year Awards Ceremony, Parade College was presented with the Aggregate Premiers Award at the Year 7, 8, 10, and Senior levels, highlighting our strong year across the full array of ACC Sports that Parade College competed in. Individually, Year 9 student Darcy Parker H18, won the ACC Intermediate Sportsperson of the Year, making it an incredible third year running that he has achieved the honour.

Sport 1
Above (L-R): Year 7 Oliver Trimbos T13, Year 8 Reuben Alonso B16, Year 9 Darcy Parker H18, and Year 10 Jai Fa’ale N01

National Schools Basketball Championships

Our Under 15 Parade Basketball Team displayed outstanding determination and skill during their campaign at the National Championships on the Gold Coast, finishing 4th overall.

The team was made up of one Year 9 and nine Year 8 students (2024). The students were coached by Nick Jones, with the support of Ben Turner and Josh Iacobaccio.

Congratulations to the group on their outstanding effort.

U15 Bball Team
Above: Our 2024 U15 Basketball team who represented the College at the National Schools Basketball Championships

Senior Sport Term 1 2025

Term 1 kicks off our 2025 sporting calendar with the season for cricket, volleyball and tennis getting underway. Fixtures will begin on Wednesday 5 February.

Term 1 Football and Soccer Trials

During Term 1, Year 7 students and 8 to 10 High Performance students will be trialling for football and soccer. Students are encouraged to bring the following to their double periods for sport or High Performance:

  • Drink bottle
  • Boots and runners
  • Protective equipment (shin guards, mouth guards etc.)
  • For AFL, a playing jersey to change into for match play and tackling drills

Players who are unable to participate in trials are encouraged to provide assistance to their coaches and may be asked to complete alternative rehabilitation/craft work.

Term 1 Sporting Events

The ACC Athletics and Swimming Carnivals will be held in Term 1 this year. Trial dates for these events will be posted on our daily messages so students are encouraged to check these daily. The Carnivals will be held on the below dates.

Athletics -  Thursday 27 February

Swimming - Wednesday 28 March

Shaun Bowie

Dean of High Performance Sport